Root Cause Solutions

Knowing the path and walking the path. Why does advice fail? Why do books and motivational talks not create lasting results? Why can we not just be told what to do by experts? Why do so few of us achieve great feats alone? Because we need Coaches!

Would you expect someone to climb the tallest mountain without a guide or training? Learning the basics of mountaineering would be essential, even to reach Base Camp. Without proper preparation and a qualified guide, what are the chances of reaching the summit safely? One cannot be carried—without learning the skills or knowing the path, success is unlikely. Find a guide who will safely lead you to your summit, equipping you with the skills needed to get there and back.

Step TWO

Now that we have a foundation to build on (Step ONE/Mental Fitness), a common language to speak, and have identified our Saboteurs, it’s time to move forward! Often, we address symptoms directly, hoping they will disappear—and sometimes they do. More frequently, however, relief is only temporary, and soon enough, “normal” behavior returns, along with the original problem. This repeated cycle can be seen in the “diet cycle,” which looks like this:

  1. Motivation to change

  2. A large, unsustainable, or unrealistic change is undertaken

  3. Some degree of results are achieved (or not)

  4. The change becomes too burdensome to continue and is abandoned

  5. Results are lost, leading to a return to the original or worse condition

  6. Feelings of shame for having “failed”

  7. Motivation to change returns due to dissatisfaction—thus, the cycle repeats

The more this cycle repeats, the more aggressive each new attempt becomes, and the less likely it is to succeed. Eventually, one may run out of options and consider medical intervention or resign to living with the issue. When all options are exhausted, and things feel dire, sometimes a breakthrough happens, and the person takes control over their life. Someone you know may be at that pivotal moment now, looking for a new path. The speed and nature of their actions can profoundly change their life’s trajectory. Some choose to change, while others accept life as it is.

That brings us to the here and now. A symptom is rarely as simple as what appears as the end result, physically or mentally. We are a collection of sophisticated, interconnected systems called the human body. From the edge of your toenail to the longest hair on your head, all parts are intertwined. The skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, nervous system—each is connected to each other and the whole. Most approaches to fail to recognize this interconnectedness. We have the incredible power and responsibility to be the architects and builders of our own body and mind. We are personally responsible for this entire construction project, from blueprint to raw materials, to the quality of the workers, and finally, to the end result…YOU!

Where are you now? How do you want to feel and who do you want to be in the future? Together, we’ll identify what is most meaningful to you, defining success and what change will look like. We’ll build your Mental Fitness, resilience, and performance. We will identify your strengths, and confront what has held you back. We’ll take the all-important meaningful first step, and then continue to build, stack, and grow. This approach is designed to create a new you—one who doesn’t need to rely on fleeting motivation or bursts of energy. We’ll help you become the future YOU!

Come with me and take control of the path you travel. Design and build the ideal you, one step at a time.